3trees Church is elder-governed and senior pastor-led.
On average, the church employs 35 to 40 staff members and contractors with about 15 of the employees being full-time. As well, over 800 Serve Team members serve across 3trees locations and ministries each week with numerous coordinators leading these teams locally.
In most years, 3trees budget is set based on 90% of the previous year's income with any excess being allotted to capital improvements, deferred maintenance, or expansion efforts. The funding breakdown of the budget is typically: personnel 40%, operations 20%, discipleship 20%, outreach 20%.
Financial transactions are reviewed by an accounting firm that specializes in church procedures and audited at the elders' discretion. Each purchase above $250 requires a purchase requisition and approval from the Directional Team. Any capital improvement above $2,500 requires approval from the Oversight Elders.
All executive compensation (or that of any executive's blood relatives) is set by an independent compensation committee and advised by compensation studies that are performed by accounting firms which specialize in nonprofit management.